Welcome to Healthy Morning Kids

Hi! This blog began with my own journey in an attempt to to improving the morning routines in my home with two young (and very active) boys! A little bit of background on us:

In the first few years of my son’s life, he was diagnosed with severe food allergies. Carrying EPI pens became my every day routine, but something was nagging at me to dig deeper for answers. I wanted to know why and what other options were available.

We went to the best pediatric allergists, dermatologists, functional medicine doctors, and chiropractors I could find. There were weeks I was dragging that heavy car seat in and out of doctors offices every day of the week.

Then, with a good mix of traditional and functional medicine (and lots of prayer) he passed his soy, dairy, peanut and almond challenges right all in a row.

Then life got busy as processed and convenience foods crept back into our home. Slowly his eczema reappeared. His levels began reversing based on latest panel results.

This inspired me to start this blog, Healthy Morning Kids, to document our journey. It’s a site dedicated to going back to basics: clean food, mindfulness routines that promote healing in our bodies and keeping mornings sacred.

I have no idea how it will all go, but the one thing I know for sure is that we are our child’s biggest and best health advocate. And it’s worth it to exhaust every resource available to us.